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"Never give up, for that is just the
place and time that the tide will turn."
( - Harriet Beecher Stowe)

Chronic stress, anxiety and depression are very emotionally painful illnesses, they can distort our thinking and cause us to believe that there is no way out of the difficulties we are in. As a result our future can seem very bleak and hopeless, we think that we cannot endure this pain which we believe will go on forever. But it is important to realise that this feeling of hopelessness and pessimism is part of the disease symptomology. It is the disease that is making it seem that there is no hope.

Research has indicated that negative and pessimistic thinking is partly caused by the excess of stress related hormones. Once strategies like cognitive behavioural therapy and medication (where applicable) have been implemented, they will help to change our brain chemistry. This positive change in brain chemistry helps us to think more accurately, less pessimistically and helps us to find solutions to our problems where we could see none before.

The future may seem so bleak at the moment but it is not always going to feel like that. There is realistic hope. You may be feeling awful today but it is not going to be like this forever.

Psychiatrist and author of the book "Anxiety and Depression", Dr Robert Priest, treated patients who were suffering a terminal disease and wanted to commit suicide. Once their depression was treated the desire to end their lives by suicide lifted, even though they still had the terminal disease.

Depression is such a common disease that it is often referred to as the common cold of the mind. Fortunately it is also one of the most treatable illnesses that human beings can suffer, so it is vital to get treatment from your GP as soon as possible. Once you implement treatment then the emotional pain WILL lift and you will be able to resume your life without being plagued by the ravages of depression and anxiety.